

 MTO (Made-to-Order) / Bespoke & Import

Asmara Leather Limited is able to provide clients with our personalized Made-to-Order service.

Our bespoke end to end service guarantees the creation of exclusive products offerings for your brand. Each order is handled personally by one of our MTO Representative to ensure that our clients get the expert attention and service they deserve for a complete bespoke creation.

This service covers individual design, sampling, manufacturing, branding and packaging. We have factories located in India, and sourcing partnerships and warehouses in UK. This enables us to provide you with an efficient and personal service.


We offer complete importation and warehousing services in the U.K from our London office. We import the goods from the supplier’s country port and deliver it to the client’s address.  We work closely with shipping agents


Mechanical Works

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Power & Energy

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